“Walking in the Clouds”
1. The Folly of Boasting (13-14)
a. My winning formula (13) (TV get rich scheme)
b. No knowledge of tomorrow (14) (The Housing market)
c. Man is a mist (14)
Application: We are not guaranteed any time here on earth so we must learn to trust in God and His plans and purposes.
2. The Proper way of thinking (15)
a. Alternative to boasting (instead you ought to say...)
b. Success or failure depends on God
c. God knows our future
Application: Stop thinking like people who have no hope and allow our thinking to conform to God's will for our lives.
1. The Path we are called to (16-17)
a. Evil boasting (16) (boasting in self)
b. Good boasting (boasting in God and His Work)
c. Knowing to trust in God and not doing it is sin (17)
Application: We must boast in our the strength of our Creator rather then in our own stregth.